Saturday, August 31, 2019
Software Security Risk Analysis Using Fuzzy Expert System
| | |Software Level of Security Risk Analysis Using Fuzzy | |Expert System | |[ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENT] |UNIVERSITI TEKNIKAL MALAYSIA MELAKA FACULTY OF INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY SESSION 2 ââ¬â 2010/2011 |NURUL AZRIN BT AIRRUDIN ââ¬â B031010343 | |SITI NURSHAFIEQA BT SUHAIMI ââ¬â B031010313 | |NUR SHAHIDA BT MUHTAR ââ¬â B031010266 | | | |LECTURE NAME: DR ABD.SAMAD HASSAN BASARI | | | |[12th APRIL 2011] | SOFTWARE LEVEL OF SECURITY RISK ANALYSIS USING FUZZY EXPERT SYSTEM ABSTRACT There is wide concern on the security of software systems because many organizations depend largely on them for their day-to-day operations. Since we have not seen a software system that is completely secure, there is need to analyze and determine the security risk of emerging software systems.This work presents a technique for analyzing software security using fuzzy expert system. The inputs to the system are suitable fuzzy sets representing linguistic values for software secu rity goals of confidentiality, integrity and availability. The expert rules were constructed using the Mamdani fuzzy reasoning in order to adequately analyze the inputs. The defuzzication technique was done using Centroid technique. The implementation of the design is done using MATLAB fuzzy logic tool because of its ability to implement fuzzy based systems.Using newly develop software products from three software development organizations as test cases, the results show a system that can be used to effectively analyze software security risk. ANALYSIS AND DESIGN The design is basically divided into four stages: 1) DESIGN OF THE LINGUISTIC VARIABLES The inputs to the system are the values assumed for the software security goal thru confidentiality, integrity and availability. The goals are assumed to be the same weight and a particular valued is determined for each of them based on questions that are answered about the specific software.Also the values determined for each of the inpu t are defined as a fuzzy number instead of crisp numbers by using suitable fuzzy sets. Designing the fuzzy system requires that the different inputs (that is, confidentiality, integrity, and availability) are represented by fuzzy sets. The fuzzy sets are in turn represented by a membership function. The membership function used in this paper is the triangular membership function which is a three point function defined by minimum, maximum and modal values where usually represented in 1. [pic]Figure 1: Triangular Membership Function 2) THE FUZZY SETS The level of confidentiality is defined based on the scales of not confidential, slightly confidential, very confidential and extremely confidential. The level of integrity is also defined based on the scales very low, low, high, very high, and extra high. Also, the level of availability is also defined by the scales very low, low, high, very high and extra high. The levels defined above are based on a range definition with an assumed int erval of [0 -10]. The ranges for the inputs are shown in tables 1 and 2. DESCRIPTION |RANGE | |Non-Confidential |0-1 | |Slightly Confidential |2-3 | |Confidential |4-6 | |Very Confidential |7-8 | |Extremely Confidential |9-10 | Table 1: Range of inputs for Confidentiality Very Low |Low |High |Very High |Extra High | |0 ââ¬â 1 |2 ââ¬â 3 |4 ââ¬â 6 |7 ââ¬â 8 |9 ââ¬â 10 | Table 2: Range of inputs for Integrity |Very Low |Low |High |Very High |Extra High | |0 ââ¬â 1 |2 ââ¬â 3 |4 ââ¬â 6 |7 ââ¬â 8 |9 ââ¬â 10 |Table 3: Range of inputs for Availability |DESCRIPTION |RANGE | |Not Secure |0 ââ¬â 3 | |Slightly Secure |4 ââ¬â 9 | |Secure |10 ââ¬â 18 | |Very Secure |19 ââ¬â 25 | |Extremely Secure |26 ââ¬â 30 | Table 4: Level Of Security RiskThe fuzzy sets above are represented by membership functions. The corresponding membership functions for confidentiality, integrity and availability are presented in figures below [pic] Figure 1 : Mem bership functions for Confidentiality Similarly, the output, that is, the level of security risk is also represented by fuzzy sets and then a membership function. The level of security risk is defined based on the scales: not secure, slightly secure, secure, very secure, and extremely secure within the range of [0- 30].The range definition is shown in table above. The membership function for the output fuzzy set is presented in figure below. [pic] Figure 2 : Membership functions for Integrity [pic] Figure 3 : Membership functions for Availability [pic] Figure 4 : Level Of Security Risk 3) THE RULES OF THE FUZZY SYSTEM Once the input and output fuzzy sets and membership functions are constructed, the rules are then formulated. The rules are formulated based on the input parameters (confidentiality, integrity, and availability) and the output i. e. level of security risk.The levels of confidentiality, integrity, and availability are used in the antecedent of rules and the level of sec urity risk as the consequent of rules. A fuzzy rule is conditional statement in the form: IF x is A THEN y is B. Where x and y are linguistic variables; and A and B are linguistic values determined by fuzzy sets on universe of discourses X and Y, respectively. Both the antecedent and consequent of a fuzzy rule can have multiple parts. All parts of the antecedent are calculated simultaneously and resolved in a single number and the antecedent affects all parts of the consequent equally.Some of the rules used in the design of this fuzzy Systems are as follow: 1. If (Confidentiality is Not Confidential) and (Integrity is Very Low) and (Availability is Very Low) then (Security Risk is Not Secure). 2. If (Confidentiality is Not Confidential) and (Integrity is Very Low) and (Availability is Low) then (Security Risk is Slightly Secure). 3. If (Confidentiality is Extremely Confidential) and (Integrity is Extra High) and (Availability is High) then (Security Risk is Slightly Secure). â⬠¦ â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦. 125.If (Confidentiality is Not Confidential) and (Integrity is Very Low) and (Availability is high) then (Security Risk is Extremely Secure). The rules above were formulated using the Mamdani max-min fuzzy reasoning. DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION The linguistic variables were determined with the extent of the positive and negative responses to a well constructed security questions that are presented in form of on-line questionnaire. As it was mentioned earlier, MATLAB was used for the implementation. The linguistic inputs to the system are supplied through the graphical user interface called rule viewer.Once the rule viewer has been opened, the input variables are supplied in the text box captioned input with each of them separated with a space. a) THE FIS EDITOR The fuzzy inference system editor shows a summary of the fuzzy inference system. It shows the mapping of the inputs to the system type and to the output. The names of the input variables and the processing methods for the FIS can be changed through the FIS editor. Figure 5: The FIS editor b) THE MEMBERSHIP FUNCTION EDITOR This can be opened from the command window by using the plotmf function but more easily through the GUI.The membership function editor shows a plot of highlighted input or output variable along their possible ranges and against the probability of occurrence. The name and the range of a membership value can be changed, so also the range of the particular variable itself through the membership function editor. [pic] Figure 6: The Membership Function editor c) THE RULE EDITOR The rule editor can be used to add, delete or change a rule. It is also used to change the connection type and the weight of a rule. The rule editor for this application is shown in figure 7. pic] Figure 7: Rule Editor d) THE RULE VIEWER The text box captioned input is used to supply the three input variables needed in the system. The appropriate input corresponds to the number of YES answer in the questionnaire for each of the input variables. For example, in the figure 8, all the input variables are 5 and the corresponding output is 13. 9, which specified at the top of the corresponding graphs. The input for each of the input variables is specified at the top of the section corresponding to them, so also the output variable.The rule viewer for this work is presented in figure 8. [pic] Figure 8: The Rule editor e) THE SURFACE VIEWER The surface viewer shown in figure 9 is a 3-D graph that shows the relationship between the inputs and the output. The output (security Risk) is represented on the Z-axis while 2 of the inputs (Confidentiality and Integrity) are on the x and y axes and the other input (Availability) is held constant. The surface viewer shows a plot of the possible ranges of the input variables against the possible ranges of the output. 4) EVALUATIONThe security risk analysis system was evaluated using three newly completed software products from three different s oftware development organizations. The output determines the security level of software under consideration. The summary of the evaluation is given in figure 11. For product A, 5 is the score for confidentiality, 5 for the integrity and 5 for the availability. |Software |Input |Output |Significance |Security Level | |Product A |5 5 5 |13. |45% slightly secure, 55% secure |46. 33 % | |Product B |8 7 8 |24. 2 |20% secure, 80% very secure |80. 60 % | |Product C |10 10 10 |28. 4 |35% very secure, 65% extremely secure |94. 67 % | Table 5 : Evaluation of Different Input Variables [pic] Figure 9 : The Surface Viewer [pic] Figure 10 : Histogram & 3D CONCLUSION AND FINDINGThus, this work proposes a fuzzy logic-based technique for determination of level of security risk associated with software systems. Fuzzy logic is one of the major tools used for security analysis. The major goals of secure software which are used as the inputs to them system are the preservation of confidentiality (preven ting unauthorized disclosure of information), preservation of integrity (preventing unauthorized alteration of information) and preservation of availability (preventing unauthorized destruction or denial of access or service to an authentic user).It might be necessary to redesign this system in a way that it will be deployable and will be without the use of MATLAB. It might also be necessary to use an adaptive fuzzy logic technique for security risk analysis. We have been able to design a system that can be used to evaluate the security risk associated with the production of secure software systems. This will definitely help software organizations meet up with the standard requirements. A technique for assessing security of software system before final deployment has been presented.The result of this study shows that if the software producing companies will incorporate security risk analysis into the production of software system, the issue of insecurity of software will be held to the minimum if not eliminated. This study has also revealed that if each of the software security goals can be increased to the maximum, then the level security will also be increased and the risk associated will be eliminated. Finally, security risk analysis is a path towards producing secure software and should be considered a significant activity by software development organizations.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Historical Systems of Power, Governance, and Authority Essay
A. The rise of new imperialism of the 19th and early 20th century involved Europe going into Africa. The causes of imperialism in Africa were partly due to the decolonization in America. The European powers were out political and economic gain by the United States gaining their independence. In 1876 European powers especially King Leopold II of Belgium, agreed in the Berlin Conference to split up the land in Africa, no longer invading to colonize but to gain political, military and economic power. The methods to imperialism of the African land were done differently, by each European power. The British who imperialized the cape of Africa used laws and indirect methods to gain power, however King Leopold II used extreme force to gain control of the Congo. The Congo was then ruled with strict political control and military force. A1. Between the years 1885 and 1905 more than 10 million indigenous people of Congo were murdered. King Leopold II used the natives as slave labor to gain resources such as rubber and ivory. Edward Morel an official that monitored shipping traffic started noticing that King Leopold II ships came back with tons of cargo, but little to no cargo was being sent to the Congo for trade. Morel soon put two and two together and realized the native people were being used as slave labor. In doing so Morel soon started to organize a protest. Other than the protest that Morel started the people of Congo were silent, due to many years of off and on again use as slave laborers. B. The Russian Revolution of 1917 was a violent revolution and in comparison to the Indian Independence Movement was a nonviolent revolution both had causes and goals that will be discussed. To begin, the Russian Revolution of 1917 was caused by food shortages and the peoples opposition to theà government, ran by Nicolas II who was czar. Czar Nicolas II had pushed into World War I leaving the people in Russia in anguish due to the many losses and economic downfall. This downfall came due to the amount of soldier and horses being placed into the war leaving the peasants at home with a loss of man power to continue a, ââ¬Å"standard of livingâ⬠( Causes of the Russian Revolution 2). Due to the decrease in man power, and materials to use at the home front, prices increased and a hunger endemic began. With hunger increasing and inflation of prices continuing strikes began, which eventually stopped transportation. When the transportation stopped supplies and food did not get to the soldiers at war decreasing the amount of people who believed in the czar. The goal of the peasants of the Russian Revolution of 1917, was to gain a new leader and for their voices to be heard. In March 1917, a riot of peasants, and soldiers stormed the streets with the support of the Duma, a group of government officials, forcing Nicolas II out of power. The Indian Independence Movement was a nonviolent revolution that gained Indiaââ¬â¢s independence in August 15, 1947 from Britain, French and Portugal. The start of the revolution began in 1857 when Indian soldiers rebelled against the British East Indian Company when Indian political rights were not being honored, however British squashed the matter. Eventually, non- violent movements began in 1918-1922 when, ââ¬Å"suppression of civil liberties, political rights and culture,â⬠were not being recognized by the British (Sharma, S. (2010)). The movement was led by the Indian National Congress who were under the direct leadership of Mohandas Ganghi. The movement held a revolt in 1942, â⬠demanding that the British leave India,â⬠known as the Quit India Movement, due to the riot in Calcutta, Independence was finally gained(Sharma, S. (2010)). The goal of the revolution was finally met to gain civil liberties, political integrity and have Indian culture recognized. B1. The strategies of the two revolution discussed above include a riot in the Russian Revolution of 1917. In the riot peasants, soldiers and the Duma stood together to over throw the czar. In the Indian Independence Movement the strategies were to use boycotts and stances against the British force toà gain their independence. References Causes of the Russian Revolution of February/March 1917. (n.d.). Retrieved from Causes of the Russian Revolution 2 ââ¬â What were the causes of the Russian Revolution? (n.d.). Retrieved from Hochschild, A. (1999). King Leopoldââ¬â¢s ghost: A story of greed, terror, and heroism in colonial Africa [ebrary book]. Retrieved from Sharma, S. (2010). Civil rights movements [ebrary book]. Retrieved from SparkNotes: Europe 1871-1914: The Scramble for Africa (1876-1914). (n.d.). Retrieved from
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Blood Promise Chapter Twenty-Eight
Lissa didn't have to say anything to express her shock. The feelings of utter astonishment pouring into me said more than any words could have. I, however, had one important word for her: Duck! I think it was her surprise that made her respond so quickly. She dropped to the floor. The movement was clumsy, but it removed her body from Reed's direct attack and put her (mostly) out of range of the window. He still collided with her shoulder and the side of her head, but it only bumped her and caused a little pain. Of course, ââ¬Å"a little painâ⬠meant totally different things to us. Lissa had been tortured a couple of times, but most of her battles were mental. She'd never been in a one-on-one physical confrontation. Getting thrown against walls was an average occurrence for me, but for her, a small swipe to the head was monumental. Crawl away, I ordered. Get away from him and the window. Head for the door if possible. Lissa started moving on her hands and feet, but she was too slow. Reed caught hold of her hair. I kind of felt like we were playing a game of telephone. With the delay in me giving direction and her figuring out how to respond, I might as well have been passing the message through five people before it got to her. I wished I could control her body like a puppeteer, but I was no spirit user. It's going to hurt, but turn around as best you can and hit him. Oh, it did hurt. Trying to turn her body meant his hold on her hair tugged that much more painfully. She managed it reasonably well, though, and flailed out at Reed. Her hits weren't that coordinated, but they surprised him enough that he let go of her hair and tried to fend her off. That's when I noticed he wasn't overly coordinated either. He was stronger than her, true, but he obviously had no combat training short of basic hits and throwing his weight around. He hadn't come here for a true fight; he'd come to just push her out the window and be done with it. Get away if you can; get away if you can. She scrambled across the floor, but unfortunately her escape path didn't give her access to the door. Instead, she backed further into the room until her back hit a rolling desk chair. Grab it. Hit him with it. Easier said than done. He was right there, still trying to grab her and jerk her to her feet. She caught hold of the chair and tried to roll it into him. I'd wanted her to pick it up and hit him with it, but that wasn't quite so easy for her. She did, however, manage to get to her feet and get the chair between them. I directed her to keep hitting him with it in an effort to get him to retreat. It worked a little, but she didn't quite have the force to truly damage him. Meanwhile, I half expected Avery to join in the fight. It wouldn't have taken much effort to assist Reed in subduing Lissa. Instead, out of the corner of Lissa's eye, I saw Avery sitting perfectly still, her eyes unfocused and slightly glazed over. Okay. That was weird, but I had no complaints about her being out of the conflict. As it was, Lissa and Reed were in a stalemate, one I had to get her out of. You're on the defensive, I said. You need to take the attack to him. I finally got a direct answer back. What? I can't do anything like that! I have no clue how! I'll show you. Kick him-preferably between the legs. That'll take down most guys. Without words, I tried to send the feelings into her, teaching her the right way to tense muscles and strike out. Steeling herself, she pushed the chair away so that there was nothing between her and Reed. It caught him by surprise, giving her a brief opening. Her leg struck out. It missed the golden spot, but it did hit his knee. That was almost as good. He stumbled back as his leg collapsed underneath him and just managed to grab the chair for support. It tried to roll, which didn't help him any. Lissa didn't need any urging to sprint for the door at that point-except it was blocked. Simon had just entered. For a moment, both Lissa and I felt relief. A guardian! Guardians were safe. Guardians protected us. The thing was, this guardian worked for Avery, and it soon became clear his services went beyond merely keeping Strigoi away from her. He strode in, and with no hesitation grabbed Lissa and dragged her harshly back to the window. My direction faltered at that moment. I'd been an okay coach at showing her how to fend off a surly teenage boy. But a guardian? And that surly teenage boy had recovered himself and joined Simon to finish the job. Compel him! It was my last desperate bid. That was Lissa's strength. Unfortunately, while her earlier drinking had metabolized enough to improve her coordination, it was still affecting her control of spirit. She could touch the power-but not very much of it. Her control was clumsy too. Nonetheless, her resolve was strong. She drew as much of the spirit as she could, channeling it into compulsion. Nothing happened. Then, I felt that weird tickling in my head. At first I thought Avery was back on the scene, only rather than someone reaching into me, it was like they reached through me. The power in Lissa surged, and I realized what had happened. Oksana was still there, somewhere in the background, and she was lending her strength again, channeling it through me and into Lissa. Simon froze, and it was almost amusing. He twitched slightly, rocking back and forth as he tried to advance on her and finish the lethal task. It was like he was suspended in Jell-O. Lissa was hesitant to move, for fear of breaking her control. There was also the issue that Reed was not being compelled, but for the moment, he seemed too confused about what was happening to Simon to react. ââ¬Å"You can't just kill me!â⬠Lissa blurted out. ââ¬Å"Don't you think people are going to ask questions when they find my body shoved out a window? ââ¬Å"They won't notice,â⬠said Simon stiffly. Even the words required effort. ââ¬Å"Not when you're resurrected. And if you can't be, then it was just a tragic accident that befell a troubled girl.â⬠Slowly, slowly, he began breaking out of her compulsion. Her power, while still there, was weakening a little-there was a leak somewhere, and it was dripping out. I suspected it might be Avery's influence or simply Lissa's mental fatigue. Maybe both. A supreme look of satisfaction crossed Simon's features as he lunged forward, and then. He froze again. A blazing gold aura lit up in Lissa's periphery. She glanced over just enough to see Adrian in the doorway. The look on his face was comical, but shocked or not, he'd picked up enough to target Simon. It was Adrian's compulsion holding the guardian in place now. Lissa squirmed away, yet again trying to keep out of that damned window's opening. ââ¬Å"Hold him!â⬠Lissa cried. Adrian grimaced. ââ¬Å"Iâ⬠¦ can't. What the hell? It's like there's someone else thereâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ââ¬Å"Avery,â⬠said Lissa, sparing a brief glance at the other girl. Avery's face had gone pale even for a Moroi. Her breathing was heavy, and her sweating had increased. She was fighting Adrian's compulsion. A few seconds later, Simon broke free yet again. He advanced on Lissa and Adrian, though his movements seemed sluggish. Son of a bitch, I thought. Now what? demanded Lissa. Reed. Go for Reed. Get him out of the picture. Reed had been frozen during the struggle with Simon, watching with fascination. And like those of the guardian, Reed's actions seemed a little sluggish. Still, he was moving toward Lissa again. Simon had apparently decided Adrian was the immediate threat and was heading that way. Time to see if dividing and conquering would work. What about Adrian? Lissa asked. We're going to have to leave him on his own for a minute. Get to Reed. Knock him out. What But she advanced on him anyway, moving with a determination that warmed me with pride. His face curled into a snarl. He was frantic and overconfident, though-not thinking clearly and still moving in an ungainly way. Once more, I attempted to teach Lissa without words. I couldn't make her do anything, but I tried to make her feel what it was like to punch someone. How to draw back her arm, curl her fingers in the proper way, build up the strength. After what I'd seen her do earlier, the best I could hope for was a decent approximation of a punch, enough to keep him off her and create further delay. And that's when something truly beautiful happened. Lissa socked him in the nose. And I mean, socked. We both heard the impact, heard the nose break. Blood came out. He flew backward, both he and Lissa staring wide-eyed. Never, never would I have thought Lissa capable of something like that. Not sweet, delicate, beautiful Lissa. I wanted to whoop and dance with joy. But this wasn't over yet. Don't stop! Hit him again. You've got to knock him out! I did! she cried, horrified at what she'd done. Her fist was also in agonizing pain. I hadn't really mentioned that part during my coaching. No, you've got to incapacitate him, I told her. I think he and Avery are bonded, and I think she's taking her strength from him. It made sense now, why he'd frozen when Avery drew power to use compulsion, why he'd known to show up when he had. She'd used their bond to summon him. And so Lissa went after Reed again. She got in two more punches, one of which knocked his head against the wall. His lips parted and his features went slack. He dropped to the floor, eyes staring vacantly. I wasn't sure if he was entirely unconscious, but he was out of this for the moment. Off to the side, I heard a small cry from Avery. Lissa turned to Adrian and Simon. Adrian had ceased any attempts at compulsion, because Simon was engaged in a full-on attack. Adrian's face showed he'd taken a few hits of his own, and I figured that, like Lissa, he'd never engaged in this kind of physical combat. Without any need for direction from me, Lissa strode over and turned on her compulsion. Simon jerked in surprise, not stopping his attack, but caught off guard. Lissa was still weak, but the walls around him had dropped a little, just as I'd suspected they would. ââ¬Å"Help me!â⬠cried Lissa. With the momentary lapse on Simon's part, Adrian tried to wield his spirit too. Lissa felt and saw the change in his aura as the magic flowed through him. She felt him join her in their psychic attack on Simon, and a moment later, I sensed Oksana joining the fray. I wanted to play general and shout orders, but this wasn't my battle anymore. Simon's eyes went wide, and he fell to his knees. Lissa could sense the other two spirit users-and was a bit surprised by Oksana's presence-and had the vague impression that they were all doing slightly different things to Simon. Lissa was trying to compel him to stop his attack, to simply sit still. Her brief brush with Adrian's magic told her he was trying to make the guardian sleep, and Oksana was attempting to get Simon to run out of the room. The conflicting messages and all that power were too much. The last of Simon's defenses fell as all those mixed messages blasted into him, creating a tidal wave of spirit. He collapsed to the floor. With all of their magic combined, the spirit users had knocked him unconscious. Lissa and Adrian turned to Avery, bracing themselves, but there was no need. As soon as all that spirit had blasted into Simon, Avery had begun screaming. And screaming and screaming. She gripped the sides of her head, the sound of her voice horrible and grating. Lissa and Adrian exchanged glances, unsure how to handle this new development. ââ¬Å"For God's sake,â⬠gasped Adrian, exhausted. ââ¬Å"How do we shut her up?â⬠Lissa didn't know. She considered approaching Avery and trying to help her, in spite of all that had happened. But a few seconds later, Avery grew quiet. She didn't pass out like her companions had. She just sat there, staring. Her expression no longer resembled the dazed look she'd had while wielding spirit. It was justâ⬠¦ blank. Like there was nothing in her at all. ââ¬Å"Wh-what happened?â⬠asked Lissa. I had the answer. The spirit flooded from Simon into her. It fried her. Lissa was startled. How could it go from Simon to her? Because they're bonded. You said she was bonded to Reed! She is. She's bonded to both of them. Lissa had been too distracted while fighting for her life, but I'd been able to notice everyone's auras through her eyes. Avery-no longer masking hers-had possessed a gold one, just like Adrian and Lissa. Simon and Reed had had nearly identical ones, with ordinary colors-ringed in black. They were shadow-kissed, both having been brought back from the dead by Avery. Lissa asked no more questions and simply collapsed into Adrian's arms. There was nothing romantic about it, just a desperate need on both their parts to be close to a friend. ââ¬Å"Why did you come?â⬠she asked him. ââ¬Å"Are you kidding? How could I not? You guys were like a bonfire with all the spirit you were wielding. I felt it all the way across campus.â⬠He glanced around. ââ¬Å"Man, I have a lot of questions.â⬠ââ¬Å"You and me both,â⬠she muttered. I have to go, I told Lissa. I felt a little wistful at having to leave them. I miss you. When will you be back? Soon. Thank you. Thank you for being there for me. Always. I suspected I was smiling back in my own body. Oh, and Lissa? Tell Adrian I'm proud of him. The Academy room faded. I was once more sitting on a bed halfway around the world. Abe was looking at me with concern. Mark also was concerned, but he had eyes only for Oksana, who lay down beside me. She looked a little like Avery, pale and sweating. Mark clasped her hand frantically, fear all over him. ââ¬Å"Are you okay?â⬠She smiled. ââ¬Å"Just tired. I'll be all right.â⬠I wanted to hug her. ââ¬Å"Thank you,â⬠I breathed. ââ¬Å"Thank you so much.â⬠ââ¬Å"I'm glad to have helped,â⬠she said. ââ¬Å"But I hope I don't have to do it again. It wasâ⬠¦ strange. I'm not sure what role I played there.â⬠ââ¬Å"Me either.â⬠It had been weird. Sometimes it was like Oksana had actually been there, fighting right along with Lissa and the rest. Other times, I'd felt as though Oksana had merged with me. I shuddered. Too many minds linked together. ââ¬Å"Next time, you have to be by her side,â⬠Oksana said. ââ¬Å"In the real world.â⬠I looked down at my hands, confused and unsure what to think. The silver ring gleamed up at me. I took it off and handed it to her. ââ¬Å"This ring saved me. Can it heal you even though you made it?â⬠She held it in her hand for a moment and then gave it back. ââ¬Å"No, but like I said, I'll recover. I heal quickly on my own.â⬠It was true. I'd seen Lissa heal remarkably fast in the past. It was part of always having spirit in you. I stared at the ring, and something troubling came to mind. It was a thought that had struck me while riding with the old couple to Novosibirsk, when I'd moved in and out of consciousness. ââ¬Å"Oksanaâ⬠¦ a Strigoi touched this ring. And for a few moments-while he did-it was likeâ⬠¦ well, he was still Strigoi, no question. But while he held it, he was almost like his old self too.â⬠Oksana didn't answer right away. She looked up at Mark, and they held each other's gazes for a long time. He bit his lip and shook his head. ââ¬Å"Don't,â⬠he said. ââ¬Å"It's a fairy tale.â⬠ââ¬Å"What?â⬠I exclaimed. I looked back and forth between him. ââ¬Å"If you know something about this-about Strigoi-you have to tell me!â⬠Mark spoke sharply in Russian, a warning in his voice. Oksana looked equally determined. ââ¬Å"It's not our place to withhold information,â⬠she replied. She turned to me, face grave. ââ¬Å"Mark told you about the Moroi we met long agoâ⬠¦ the other spirit user?â⬠I nodded. ââ¬Å"Yeah.â⬠ââ¬Å"He used to tell a lot of stories-most of which I don't think were true. But one of themâ⬠¦ well, he claimed he restored a Strigoi to life.â⬠Abe, silent thus far, scoffed. ââ¬Å"That is a fairy tale.â⬠ââ¬Å"What?â⬠My whole world reeled. ââ¬Å"How?â⬠ââ¬Å"I don't know. He never elaborated much, and the details often changed. His mind was going, and I think half of what he said was imaginary,â⬠she explained. ââ¬Å"He's crazy,â⬠said Mark. ââ¬Å"It wasn't true. Don't get caught up in an insane man's fantasy. Don't fixate on this. Don't let it become your next vigilante quest. You need to go back to your bondmate.â⬠I swallowed, every emotion in the world churning in my stomach. Was it true? Had a spirit user restored a Strigoi to life? Theoreticallyâ⬠¦ well, if spirit users could heal and bring back the dead, why not the undead? And Dimitriâ⬠¦ Dimitri had definitely seemed altered while holding the ring. Had spirit affected him and touched some piece of his old self? At the time, I'd just assumed it was fond memories of his family affecting himâ⬠¦ ââ¬Å"I need to talk to this guy,â⬠I murmured. Not that I knew why. Fairy tale or not, it was too late. I'd done it. I'd killed Dimitri. Nothing would bring him back now, no miracle of spirit. My heart rate increased, and I could hardly breathe. In my mind's eye, I saw him falling, fallingâ⬠¦ falling forever with the stake in his chest. Would he have said he loved me? I would ask myself that for the rest of my life. Agony and grief flooded me, though at the same time, relief was there too. I had freed Dimitri from a state of evil. I had brought him peace, sending him on to happiness. Maybe he and Mason were together in heaven somewhere, practicing some guardian moves. I had done the right thing. There should be no regret here. Oblivious to my emotions, Oksana addressed my last statement. ââ¬Å"Mark wasn't kidding. This man is crazy-if he's even still alive. The last time we saw him, he could barely hold up a conversation or even use his magic. He ran off into hiding. No one knows where he is-except maybe his brother.â⬠ââ¬Å"Enough,â⬠warned Mark. Abe's attention was piqued, however. He leaned forward, shrewd as ever. ââ¬Å"What's this man's name?â⬠ââ¬Å"Robert Doru,â⬠said Mark after a few hesitant moments. It was no one I knew, and I realized how pointless this all was. This guy was a lost cause and had likely imagined the whole idea of saving a Strigoi in a fit of insanity. Dimitri was gone. This part of my life was over. I needed to get back to Lissa. Then I noticed that Abe had gone very still. ââ¬Å"Do you know him?â⬠I asked. ââ¬Å"No. Do you?â⬠ââ¬Å"No.â⬠I scrutinized Abe's face. ââ¬Å"You sure look like you know something, Zmey.â⬠ââ¬Å"I know of him,â⬠Abe clarified. ââ¬Å"He's an illegitimate royal. His father had an affair, and Robert was the result. His father actually included him as part of the family. Robert and his half-brother grew quite close, though few knew about it.â⬠Of course Abe would know about it, though. ââ¬Å"Doru is Robert's mother's last name.â⬠No surprise. Doru wasn't a royal name. ââ¬Å"What's his father's last name?â⬠ââ¬Å"Dashkov. Trenton Dashkov.â⬠ââ¬Å"That,â⬠I told him, ââ¬Å"is a name I know.â⬠I had met Trenton Dashkov years ago while accompanying Lissa and her family to a royal holiday party. Trenton had been an old, stooped man then, kind but on the brink of death. Moroi often lived to be over a hundred, but he'd been pushing a hundred and twenty-which was ancient even by their standards. There had been no sign or whisper of him having an illegitimate son, but Trenton's legitimate son had been there. That son had even danced with me, showing a great courtesy to a lowly dhampir girl. ââ¬Å"Trenton is Victor Dashkov's father,â⬠I said. ââ¬Å"You're saying Robert Doru is Victor Dashkov's half-brother.â⬠Abe nodded, still watching me closely. Abe, as I'd noted, knew everything. He likely knew my history with Victor. Oksana frowned. ââ¬Å"Victor Dashkov is someone important, isn't he?â⬠Out in their Siberian cottage, she was removed from the turmoil of Moroi politics, unaware that the man who would have been king had been locked away in prison. I started laughing-but not because I found any humor in the situation. This whole thing was unbelievable, and my hysteria was the only way to let out all the crazy feelings within me. Exasperation. Resignation. Irony. ââ¬Å"What's so funny?â⬠asked Mark, startled. ââ¬Å"Nothing,â⬠I said, knowing if I didn't stop laughing, I'd probably start crying. ââ¬Å"That's the thing. It's not funny at all.â⬠What a wonderful twist to my life. The only person alive who might know something about saving Strigoi was the half-brother of my greatest living enemy, Victor Dashkov. And the only person who might know where Robert was was Victor himself. Victor had known a lot about spirit, and now I had a good idea where he'd first learned about it. Not that it mattered. None of this mattered anymore. Victor himself could have been able to convert Strigoi for all the good it would have done me. Dimitri was dead by my hand. He was gone, saved in the only way I knew how. I'd had to choose between him and Lissa once before, and I'd chosen him. Now there could be no question. I'd chosen her. She was real. She was alive. Dimitri was the past. I'd been staring absentmindedly at the wall, and now I looked up and met Abe squarely in the eyes. ââ¬Å"All right, old man,â⬠I said. ââ¬Å"Pack me up and send me home.ââ¬
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Letter from the Pope to de Las Casas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Letter from the Pope to de Las Casas - Essay Example It is utterly shocking and saddening to read of the atrocities committed by a man upon a fellow man. The indigenous people of the Hispaniola Island, The Taino Indians, are human just like us. They are friendly and peace loving, with utter hospitality to visitors. At no time did they ever react in a violent manner towards the Spanish visitors who went there. Columbus himself acknowledged the fact that even though they were still primitive and leading a very basic way of life, they were very hospitable. Their culture and simplicity gave them an inner joy, which glowed to the outside .This, is the life we have always wanted, and which the bible teaches us to live. It is also from our Christian teaching that we learn about treating each other like a brother and loving our neighbors as we love ourselves. Therefore, it is a shame and absolutely reproachable, when I read of your report. It is only the physical capacity and the military authority that I do not have, but culprits of such acts needed to be dealt with accordingly. The Catholic Church is going to maintain its initial push for global evangelization. The most positive bit of it is the discovery of the New World by Columbus and his team, which serves as fertile ground for evangelism. The initial task of Columbus was to spread Catholicism at a rapid rate in order to combat the spread of Islam to these regions. This is what the church was in support of. However, the church holds no support for slavery, slave trade or anything connected in whoever way, to such practices. We also abhor forced labor as learnt from your report, which is being meted upon the locals in the gold and silver mines. Your efforts in fighting for the rights and freedom of the Indians on the region shall be fully supported by the church. This is because your approach of colonization by farmers rather than soldiers, is the most effective and
Character analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Character analysis - Essay Example Sammie was identified specifically to be 19 years old; therefore, still a teen-ager but on the verge of being an adult. Concurrently, Queenie, was also a teen-ager, together with her two other friends, Plaid and Big Tall Goony Goony, whose vivid descriptions were effectively narrated by Sammie. They were initially described as wearing just their bathing suits and were not even cladding any footwear. It was evident that they share the same age ranges since Sammieââ¬â¢s description included physical features that enhance feminine curves and emphasize their sexualities. This is consistent with Worsleyââ¬â¢s (2011) findings that ââ¬Å"the observed relationship between females' perceived weight status and their self-concepts suggest that body image may be of greater importance for girls than for boys of this ageâ⬠(Worsley 231). Likewise, both manifested a rebellious attitude through defying traditional values. Sammie immediately quit his job with the hope that the teen-aged g irls would hear his open assertion of siding on their behavior, despite the managerââ¬â¢s antagonistic remarks. ... Sammieââ¬â¢s quitting his job for the sake of showing off for the sake of the teen-aged girls was done without regard for his parents feelings. Likewise, Queenieââ¬â¢s open display of their physical traits through wearing only bathing suits in a shopping center could be a product of outright spur of the moment decisions that would obviously earn the ire of her parents, should they have known about this. Finally, when confronted with a challenging situation, Queenie, who was admonished by the manager for wearing bathing suits in A & P, tried to rationalize that she was being requested by her mother to pick up an important item. As such, having said her piece, she left instantaneously and was even indifferent to the supposed bravery of Sammie for having defended their stance. Sammie was apparently mirroring their behavior of deciding at the spur of the moment, by quitting his job, in response to the situation. His lack of extensive maturity and rationality left him alone in the e nd, with the teen-aged girls nowhere to be found ââ¬â his defensive stance in their behalf, apparently being disregarded. On the contrary, these two characters exhibit disparities in terms of exuding an air of unrestrictedness and freedom. While Queenie was obviously enjoying the ability to do whatever she wants through wearing a bathing suit, with friends, in a shopping mall; Sammie has to contend working at A & P which could have been perceived as confining and restrictive. Queenie allegedly exemplifies possess more independence; while Sammie, despite having a job, could be interpreted as doing so for the sake of his parentsââ¬â¢ wants ââ¬â thereby indicative of being dependent on their preferences. The rationales for their behaviors were premised from the concept that ââ¬Å"adolescents aren't reckless
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Waste Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3
Waste - Essay Example There are several disposal methods that are available to humans and this paper will discuss the following; ocean dumping, incineration, sanitary landfill, recycling and open dumping. These factors both have their advantages and disadvantages. Ocean dumping kills plankton and overburdens oceans, however, it is not expensive and when harmless products are disposed, they can serve as a food source. This method maybe made more effective by restricting the material disposed in oceans as some of it harms the fish or other habitants in the ocean. Sanitary landfill involves the disposal of waste materials into an open hole; this hole is closed after the waste has been disposed. This is advantageous in the sense that the land filled can be used for other community purposes. Lining these landfills with plastic, clay and sand reduces the chances of the waste being redistributed by the wind or animals. The government should implement policies that equip citizens with knowledge on methods to manage their own waste as the economy can benefit from these policies. Fuel sources are declining and the ecosystem has been recognized as a potential replacement. Hence, preserving the ecosystem can have economic benefits for the country. Recycling also reduces the costs from extracting raw materials to create a certain product. This shows that each party can benefit from waste
Monday, August 26, 2019
How does the gender stereotype in the mass media affect the society Essay
How does the gender stereotype in the mass media affect the society - Essay Example According to Casey, Calvert, French &Ã Lewis (2002), gender stereotypes can be defined as the generalizations made in relation to specific genders in the society. For instance, in relation to media, women and men have different perceptions on the same. Additionally, Casey, Calvert, French &Ã Lewis (2002) indicate that gender stereotypes are generalizations that relate to different gender roles between men and women. It is however noted that the gender stereotypes may be misleading in one way or another. In the television for example, the kind of gender stereotypes is lofty, since the women are termed as minorities, and are not covered effectively in the news. This happens especially to women of low cultural groups who receive minimal media coverage. In the case of media coverage, the stories covered are at times too negative and unrealistic. In this case, is justified to say that the media has created a lot of myths, regarding the genders. Positively, men impersonate the mass media by displaying the wisdom to succeed and venture into the media industry. Most specifically, the handsome men have been regarded as the heroes of the media industry. The men have a way of portraying their dominance and masculinity in the media industry, with the aim of dominating the entire industry. In the case of the television and movie stars, men are always quick to show their prowess, confidence and ability to succeed. The male gender, in this case has been depicted as a person who aims at portraying their vitality in the media industry. Since the men are mostly older than the women, they always want to show their dexterity. The media has managed to bring out the prowess of the males especially in the sports industry. In this case, the men have made numerous attempts to dominate the media. In many instances the men have been drawn as doing activities that portray violence, at times they are
Sunday, August 25, 2019
A fundamental concept of modern architecture Essay
A fundamental concept of modern architecture - Essay Example e architecture in the modern period not only created house and public buildings that combine beauty and technical aspect of social efficiency, they also ensured the buildings were economical in all ways the architecture operating in the modern period were successfully blending technology with expressive style, history with science, beauty with practicality. These are elements that completely changed the building environment in ways that are still discernible today. This is an historical argument paper about the modern architecture. It is based on the definition architecture according to Siegfried Giedion and the development of the space, time and architecture concepts. The definition of modernist architecture is still an issue of debate between the art historians and other critiques. In Space, Time and architecture, Giedion argues that there is an apparent chaos in the state of culture that has been brought about by contradictory tendencies between the enormous technological and industrial development and peoples values. There is a need to feel the gap between the advances in the humanity in the realm of thought and realm of feelings. The emergence of the modern architecture in the early 20th century has been a matter of debates and arguments among different architecture historians and other critics. It is believed that the modern architecture and movement emerged in the late nineteenth century and was completely formed in the 1920s, just before the World War one began. Modernism has been understood differently by different authors and critics in architecture history.2modern architecture has been reflected by such publications as The international style by Hitchcock and Johnsons that was published in 1932 and 1995.Pevners works titles Pioneers of modern design of 1936 and Space time and Architecture that was published in the 1941 and 1982. The contemporary accounts of the modern movement provide a contrasting view. These more architectural historians
Saturday, August 24, 2019
American Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3
American Politics - Essay Example It becomes a wonderment for me as to why these people, all of them sometimes even more qualified candidates than the mainstream ones, need to battle every step of the way to get on the ballot. With 50 sets of rules and regulations to meet in every state, these alternative candidates dont have a chance to actually represent themselves in the public vote. In a nation where equality is being touted as the basis of all social and political movements, the presidential election becomes the obvious evidence of how the lip service paid in the name of equality remains just that. More importantly, the way the documentary presented the war between Cobb and Nader in such a way that the mainstream media never covered. Thus presenting a better idea to the public as to how the politics of the presidential election truly works and why these alternative candidates need to be given a chance to voice out their platform on the public stage. Maybe in the future, we will have the united 3rd Party that these alternative candidates seem to be working towards. For this part of the essay, I chose to look at the National Rifle Organization Political Victory Fund which is the NRAs political action committee. The NRA mission objective is quite simple. They wish to protect the 2nd amendment and the peoples right to bear arms. A cause that has caused a nationwide controversy with the rising rate of gun related deaths over the past years. The political action committee uses the website to provide those interested with information about the organization and offer them an opportunity to participate in protecting their constitutionally protected 2nd amendment rights. The organization also explains how writing to your representatives during critical moments of gun control legislation could actually become the trigger that prevents a law banning the right to bear arms from being passed. It is because of their mission
Friday, August 23, 2019
Terrorism Act 2000 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Terrorism Act 2000 - Essay Example All the criticisms have been centered round the very basic issue of definition of the term 'terrorism'. This paper details some of the contradicting views on the definition of terrorism. The definition of terrorism has been exhaustively dealt with by section 1 of the Terrorism Act 20001. Under Section 1 of the Terrorism Act, 2000 the term 'terrorism' is defined to include "any specified action, the use or threat of which is designed to influence any government or to intimidate the public in order to advance a political religious or ideological purpose" (James Hammerton)2. The use or threat of action which involves the use of firearms or explosives will be deemed to be terrorism whether it is designed to influence the government or not or to intimidate a section of the public. The definition as provided for in section 1 of the Terrorism Act, 2000 thus includes an action that satisfies result under subsection (2), intention under subsection (1) (b) and motivation under subsection (1) (c). However it has been specifically provided that where the action involves there is no relevance of the intention3. The major criticism against this exhaustive definition brought into force by the Terrorism Act 2000 is that it has the effect of making a serious assault on the civil liberties. This criticism is leveled on the ground that the definition covers even those who voice support for armed resistance against suppressive regimes and even those who organize mass faxing to register their protest against the government. The report from University of Essex describes the definition as too wide devoid of the clarity required for the criminal law.4 The same report points out that Amnesty International and the Parliamentary Joint Committee also have a similar view on the definition of the term 'terrorism'.5 It has been pointed out that the Terrorism Act, 2000 does not cite any specific offence of committing an act of terrorism, as has not been the case with the legislation in many other jurisdictions. Here in the case of Terrorism Act the tacit legal assumption is that the existing offences under any other criminal law would cover the terrorist attack under Terrorism Act. However this may give rise to a situation that the acts or conducts which are ancillary to the terrorist acts would be "criminalized in many situations in which analogous conduct ancillary to other criminal activity would not be". The following cases will clearly illustrate this point It is considered as an offence under section 56 of the Terrorism Act, 2000 to direct a terrorist organisation at any level. This act at a very low level may not be subjected to the wider scope of terrorist attack "It is an offence under section 38B of the 2000 Act, as inserted by the Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001, for any person to fail to disclose as soon as reasonably practicable any information which he knows or believes might be of material
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Assignment Essay Example for Free
Assignment Essay Considering customer satisfaction as it applies to a university setting, what are some other areas in addition to those identified for the project that may contribute to studentsââ¬â¢ satisfaction/dissatisfaction with their education experience? The customer satisfaction survey seems to focus on academic resources only. Itââ¬â¢s focusing on the classes, the advisors, the curriculum, and isnââ¬â¢t asking the students how they felt towards the school as a whole. After discussing all of the academic services and programs, they may also want to see if the students are satisfied with the environment and facilities beyond the library or computer lab. The survey should also include an area for the students to make suggestions on what would make them happier while attending this school. This would give the School of Business some suggestions on what changes could be made to make the school better. Does the current questionnaire provide information on studentsââ¬â¢ overall satisfaction with their undergraduate degree program? Explain. What revisions are necessary to this questionnaire to obtain an overall satisfaction rating? The questionnaire focuses on both undergraduate and graduate programs, but it seems to put more emphasis on graduate students. The questionnaire did provide a lot of information regarding how they felt about their classes and advisors, but it seems to be based on students who have already been attending the school for some time and have had experience with undergraduate advisors and curriculum. The questionnaire should be administered yearly in order to get a better idea of the overall satisfaction rating. They should also offer more open ended questions so that the students can provide feedback instead of just multiple questions. Can the School of Business use the results of this study to target the most important areas for improvement? Explain. Identify changes to the questionnaire that would allow the school to target areas based on importance. The School of Business can definitely use the results of this study to target the most important areas for improvement. As the results show there are several areas that the school could use improvement in. By determining what is most important will allow them to administer specific surveys or questionnaires regarding a certain issue such as the lack of advisors or not being able to register for classes. Changes they could make to the current questionnaire would be to add a space to provide your own suggestions on how to make things better. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using open-ended questions to identify the schoolââ¬â¢s strengths and weaknesses? Taking the responses in Exhibit 2, what system would you use for coding these responses? There are several advantages to using open-ended questions. Open-ended questions allow the students to share their feelings and the school will have a better idea of what they feel about certain subjects. The disadvantages of having open-ended questions are a lower response rate and itââ¬â¢s harder to compare their answers. It can also take much more time to go over questionnaires that offer open-ended questions instead of just close-ended ones.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
A CLC assignment Essay Example for Free
A CLC assignment Essay Your CLC group will interview four different people about the ethical dilemma selected for Part 1 of this assignment. After sharing the interview results, the group will make a written recommendation. For complete directions for this assignment, refer to Collaborative Learning Community: Analysis of an Ethical Dilemma. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin. Collaborative Learning Community: Analysis of an Ethical Dilemma Collaborative Learning Community: Analysis of an Ethical Dilemma (Part 1) In your CLC group, select one of the following three options and view the video related to your chosen topic (a description of each is provided along with a link to access the electronic media): Dilemma 1: Embryo Harvesting and Freezing/Genetic Manipulation (Posthumous Conception Case) Ethical issues related to case: Washington Post article of Karen Capato Case: Supreme Court (2011) Ruling on Capato Case: Description: Eighteen months after her husband, Robert Capato, died of cancer, reà ¬spondent Karen Capato gave birth to twins conceived through in-vitro fertilization using her husbandââ¬â¢s frozen sperm. Should technology be used to create live posthumously? Dilemma 2: Marketing of Medical / Pharmaceutical Products While medical treatments and pharmaceuticals are common approaches to address a wide variety of conditions, there is growing concern from consumer groups and the medical community regarding current marketing practices which result in overconsumption or no medical benefit. The medical industry however, argues that these technologies are revolutionary in relieving suffering. Consider the ethical dilemmas of this case. What are the possible ethical dilemmas and implications? Dilemma 3: Voluntary/Assisted Euthanasia Dax Case 1 The Terry Schiavo Documentary 1)The quality of life for two individuals has been dramatically affected following traumatic events. What are the ethical implications in the scenarios? What response should be given to the patient and family in response to their requests for assisted euthanasia? Write a formal paper of 750-1,000 words identifying important components of the topic. Include the following: a)A description of the topic and related ethical implications: i)Obligations to your profession and work as a nurse. ii)Laws regarding this topic. iii)Stake holders in this scenario. b)A summary of the impact on social values, morals, norms, and nursing practice. c)An explanation of how an ethical theory and/or ethical principle might be applied to address the chosen topic. 2)Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. 3)Submit the assignment to the instructor by the end of Module 4. Collaborative Learning Community: Analysis of an Ethical Dilemma (Part 2) 1)In your CLC group, interview a hospital administrator, a spiritualà leader, a health care colleague, and a neighbor/friend. (A total of four different individuals must be interviewed by the group in-person or by telephone). a)Ask all individuals interviewed to share their philosophy and worldview in relation to the ethical dilemma your group identified for Part 1 of this CLC assignment. b)Summarize the responses of each of the four individuals interviewed. c)As a group, consider the responses of the individuals interviewed and assess their similarities/differences. 2)Compose a written recommendation (750-1,000 words), incorporating the research your group has done as well as the four interview results to come to a resolution to the ethical dilemma. Be sure to clearly articulate your groupââ¬â¢s position and the rationale for your position. 3)Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. 4)Submit the four interview summaries and the group resolution to the instructor by the end of Module
Emerging Therapies for the Treatment of MS
Emerging Therapies for the Treatment of MS Currently, there are six new drugs that are being assessed by clinical scientists and some of these drugs have entered or completed phase 2 level and phase 3 level clinical trials. Three of these drugs are oral drugs and they include Lanquinimod, Teriflumomide and Di-methyl fumarate. The other three are monoclonal antibodies (mAb) namely Alemtuzumab, Daclizumab and Rituximab (Borrero et al, 2012). All of these drugs target the immune system in different ways but some of them still present with some side effects as well which are discussed below. Starting with Lanquinimod, it is an immunomodulator that is currently being trialled in patients with RRMS and SPMS. It has a very small recommended dose of 0.6 mg daily and it exhibits anti-inflammatory properties. These properties are believed to support the downregulation of MHC class II transcription factors, stimulation of neurotrophic factors, activation and up-regulation of the IL-4 pathway in CD4+ T cell for anti-inflammatory effects. It also promotes apoptosis in Cytotoxic T-cells (CD8+) and B-cells and also suppresses metabolism in CD14+ and natural killer cells (Thà ¶ne et al., 2016). It is currently undergoing Phase III trials and has resulted in 23% reduction in the rate of relapse of MS while there has been a 37% reduction in contrast enhancing lesions in volunteers (Borrero et al, 2012). Its side effect is only the upregulation of Liver Function Tests (LFTs) The second oral drug that is undergoing phase III clinical trials is Teriflunomide and it is being trialled for patients with RRMS and SPMS. Doses ranging from 7 to 14 mgs daily are recommended to be administered orally in patients. Its mode of action depends on sequestering the production of DNA pyrimidine bases by acting as an inhibitor for the enzyme dihydroorotate dehydrogenase, which is essential in de novo pyrimidine synthesis in T and B cells that are rapidly dividing. This reduces any inflammation that wouldve been caused by those cells and thus immune suppression is achieved. According to Borrero et al, it has a success rate of 61% in reducing contrast enhancing lesions, a rate of 30% in reducing Annualized relapse rates (ARRs) and disability progression was observed to be reduced to 23-30%. Terfilunomidess side effects include Nasopharyngitis; which is the inflammation of the nasopharyngeal duct, diarrhoea, back pain, fatigue, hair thinning, influenza, Urinary Tract Infecti on (UTI), nausea and elevated LFTs (Borrero et al, 2012). The third oral drug is Di-methyl fumarate (DMF) or BG-12. It is also undergoing type III clinical trials for patients with RRMS. Its suggested dose is 120-24 mg three times a day. It has shown a decrease of 69% in contrast enhancing lesions in its phase II trial and its phase III trials have so far showed 53% reduction in ARR, 38% reduction in disability progression and in 2 years, by 49% (Borrero et al, 2012). Di-methyl fumarates mode of action is still being debated but it is believed that it can regulate oxidative pathways which may in turn affect other signalling pathways that are responsible for inducing tissue damage. Studies by Moharregh -Khiabani et al in 2009 showed that DMF had an inhibitory effect on the nuclear factor NFà ºB dependant, TNF à ± induced gene transcription in endothelial cells. It is also believed that DMF can stimulate cells to secrete cytokines such as IL-10, IL-4 and IL_5 which have anti-inflammatory properties thus allowing a more Th2 focused response than a Th1 one (Wierinckx et al., 2005). Moreover, DMF is believed to have a neuroprotective therapeutic effect as well. This occurs as it causes an upregulation in the levels of the detoxification enzyme; NADPH but like other emerging drugs, it has side effects. These side effects include diarrhoea, cramps, elevated LFT, nausea and can cause flushing and in very rare cases, Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) (MS Society 2016). Other novel therapies include the use of monoclonal antibodies (mAb) for the treatment of MS. As of now, there are three that are undergoing phase II and III trials respectively. Alemtuzumab is one such mAb that is in its phase III clinical trial for patients with RRMS and SPMS. Its recommended dosage is Intravenous infusion of 12- 24 mg daily for a course of 5 days every month if its a 1 year course and this can be increased to 24mg on the 12th month. Its mode of action is causing the destruction of circulating immune cells by binding on to CD52 on mature leukocytes which results in the lysis of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, B cells, eosinophils, NK cells, monocytes and macrophages as well (Hart and Bainbridge 2016). In phase III trials, it has so far shown up to 75% reduction in sustained accumulation disability and up to 74% reduction in relapse rate but has been associated with potentially increasing the risk of autoimmunity which included thyroiditis, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpur a, autoimmune thyroid-related problems, Goodpastures syndrome and also, can cause flushing and headaches (Borrero et al, 2012) . As of yet, it has not been approved by the FDA as it is still undergoing trials but it is used as a medication for treating a form of blood cancer called B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (B-CLL) (FDA 2016). References
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Soliloquy and Revenge in Hamlet Essay -- Shakespeare Soliloquies
Soliloquy and Revenge in Hamlet à à à à The soliloquy is a literary device that is employed to unconsciously reveal an actor's thoughts to the audience. In William Shakespeare's, Hamlet, Hamlet's soliloquy in Act II, ii, (576-634) depicts his arrival at a state of vengeful behaviour through an internal process. Hamlet moves through states of depression and procrastination as he is caught up in the aftermath of the murder of his father and the marriage of his mother to his uncle. The soliloquy serves to effectively illustrate the inner nature of Hamlet's character and develop the theme of revenge. à In the soliloquy, Hamlet's depression, due to his "dear father['s]" (612) murder and the incestuous family relationship, is revealed as he compares his situation to that of King Priam and Hecuba. The pain that the player feels, acting as the mythological King Priam symbolizes the loss that Hamlet experiences. Hamlet feels that he has enough cause to "drown the stage in tears." (589) Arising from Hamlet's depression comes a paralysis to act. By not acting upon the...
Monday, August 19, 2019
The Search for Language in The Awakening Essay -- Chopin Awakening Es
The Search for Language in The Awakeningà à à à à Kate Chopinââ¬â¢s novel, The Awakening, tells the story of a late nineteenth century woman trying to break away from the male-dominated society to find an identity of her own.à Edna Pontellier is trying to find herself when only two personas are available to her: the ââ¬Ëtrue woman,ââ¬â¢ the classic wife and mother, or the ââ¬Ënew woman,ââ¬â¢ the radical women demanding equality with men.à Patricia S. Yaeger, in her essay ââ¬Å"ââ¬ËA Language Which Nobody Understoodââ¬â¢: Emancipatory Strategies in The Awakening,â⬠argues that what Edna is really searching for is a female language of her own.à Edna is prevented from finding her own language and ideal and therefore is trapped until she discovers that suicide is her only way out.à The ending of the novel has been considered Ednaââ¬â¢s final step in her search for freedom from the restrictive society she lives in.à Elaine Showalter, in her essay ââ¬Å"Tradition and the Female Talent : The Awakening as a Solitary Book,â⬠and others say that it is Ednaââ¬â¢s last move towards female liberation, but is it really?à Suicide hardly seems liberating.à Edna lives in a phallocentric world where women have no identities apart from their relationships with men.à Leslies W. Rabine, in her essay ââ¬Å"No Lost Paradise: Social Gender and Symbolic Gender in the Writings of Maxine Hong Kingston,â⬠says that ââ¬Å"traditional male narrativesâ⬠are based ââ¬Å"on a linear and circular quest to return to a lost paradiseâ⬠(Rabine 90), however, female narratives do not have this lost paradise.à The world in which Edna lives traps her so that the paradise she is seeking cannot exist.à The paradise Edna is looking for is nothing more than a situation in which she can be truly happy.à The fundamentally phallocentric... ...Awakening.à 1993: Bedford Books, New York. Griggers, Cody.à ââ¬Å"Next Stop ââ¬â Paradise: An Analysis of Setting in The Awakening.â⬠Domestic Goddess.à Editor, Kim Wells. August 23, 1999.à Online.à Internet.à 5-10-00.à Rabine, Leslie W.à ââ¬Å"No Lost Paradise: Social and Symbolic Gender in the Writings ofà Maxine Hong Kingston.â⬠à As it appears à à à in: Wong, Sau-Ling Cynthia.à Maxine Hong Kingstonââ¬â¢s The Woman Warrior: A Casebook.à 1999: Oxford University Press, New York. Showalter, Elaine.à ââ¬Å"Tradition and the Female Talent: The Awaking as a Solitary Book.â⬠à As it appears in: Chopin, Kate.à The à à à Awakening.à 1993: Bedford Books, New York. Yaeger, Patricia S.à ââ¬Å"ââ¬ËA Language Which Nobody Understoodââ¬â¢: Emancipatory Language in The Awakening.à As it appears in: Chopin, Kate.à The Awakening.à 1993: Bedford Books, New York.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Essay --
Bullying is not only physical, but it can also disrupt a personââ¬â¢s emotional life through mobbing which is a crowd that is engaging in lawless violence. Cyber bullying is known as the worst form of bullying because it can be on going on for a very long time. In fact, cyber bullying is a terrible weapon that can eventually destroy someoneââ¬â¢s reputation and life for good in little time without realizing it. That is why cyber bullying may have serious consequences, even legal ones, for those who have been in or had to deal with these situations. Why might people be so cruel and choose to bully for their own enjoyment? Itââ¬â¢s not funny; itââ¬â¢s a serious problem that it is emotionally degrading its victims. These are very inappropriate circumstances that need to be stopped before further terrible situations of bullycide and other devastating effects keep occurring. Bullying is an unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real perceived power imbalance (ââ¬Å"Bullyingâ⬠). Bullying can be extremely harmful both physically and emotionally to any individual. It can be so insensitive to the point where it can make people feel embarrassed, uncomfortable, sad and angry. It can also be painful to the body if the bully attacks the individual causing bodily harm such as bruises, cuts or even broken bones. Studies have been found that bullying may cause depression, absenteeism, poor academic performance, or all of these (ââ¬Å"Bullyingâ⬠) because they are contently over thinking the situation and the possibility of being harmed. Approximately 32 percent of students report being bullied at school, leading students to most likely bring a weapon to school (ââ¬Å"School Administratorsâ⬠) because they think that is the only way they have of... ...ything or anybody or gives they too much freedom from doing wrongful actions. Rules and regulations against bullying are not being reinforced as they should be. The bottom line bullying is an enormous problem, and we must all do our part to do the best we can to prevent any type of bullying that is ruining people reputations, causing people to be depressed or even committing suicide. It is our obligation to help bullying come to an end. If nothing else, remember what James Dillon the principle of an elementary school stated ââ¬Å"Little things can make a big difference. Simple and genuine gestures, such as regularly greeting students, talking to students, and addressing students by name, help to make students feel connectedâ⬠(ââ¬Å"Dillon, Jamesâ⬠). It is our job to build genuine relationships with children to become more aware of harmful things such as bullying to children.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
How Does Drug Abuse Affect Personal Development of Hong Kong Teenagers? Essay
Liberal Studies: Independent Enquiry Studies Enquiry theme: How does drug abuse affect personal development of Hong Kong teenagers? 1. Introduction I am interested in the topic of drug abuse since I first study the bad effects of drug abuse. However, the reason I chose drug abuse as my enquiry topic because a new that I recently read .It showed a very dangerous trend appears in Hong Kong which is more and more teenagers try to abuse drugs. It also found that drug abuse would cause great damage towards the personal development of teenagers. As I am very worry about this issue so I developed interest on the issue of teenage drug abuse. I also found that the age of teenager who abuse drugs become younger and younger. 1From the statistic done in 2009 shows that there were 8,916 drug users reported in the first six months of the year, which is 1.7% more than the same period in 2008. The number of drug users under 21 years old rose from 2,106 to 2,175. This information shows the urgency to pay attention to the problem. If we do not pay attention to the issue of teenage drug abuse, many teenagers will suffer greatly from drug abuse. Furthermore, I had also done an interview with a social worker, Miss Fung. I have a more clear understanding towards the reasons that cause teenagers to abuse drugs. I think it is very important to consider the reasons of teenage drug abuse .We can try to prevent teenager drug abuse only when we know why they try to abuse drugs. Furthermore, we also need to consider the bad effects of teenage drug abuse towards their personal development so that teenagers could understand the seriousness of drug abuse. This is also an effective ways in preventing teenage from abusing drugs. 1 Teen Drug Use Increasing in Hong Kong Posted on September 8, 2009 3 2. Objectives 1. 2. To find out reasons that teenagers try to abuse drugs To find out whether the problem of teenage drug abuse is serious among Hong Kong teenagers? 3. 4. To see the effect of abusing drugs towards teenagersââ¬â¢ personal development. To give some suggestion on how to prevent teenagers drug abuse. Focus Questions 1. What is meant by drug abuse? 2. Are Hong Kong teenagers abuse drugs is a common phenomenon in the society? 3. What are the reasons that drive the Hong Kong teenagers to abuse drugs? 4. What are the bad effects causes by drugs abusing towards the teenagersââ¬â¢ personal development? 5. How can the society help to prevent teenage drug abuse? 4 3. Research Methodology 3.1 Questionnaire The target interviewees are teenagers aged between 12 to 21 years old. There are 43 respondents for the questionnaire. This questionnaire was set in English. The questionnaire is an online interview which designed in the form of multiple choice or some ranking questions to find out the reasons that drive teenagers to abuse drugs and the negative impacts brought by drug abuse, and the effectiveness of some preventive measures towards teenage drug abuse. The questionnaire is divided into 4 parts. Part 1 asked for the personal information about the interviewees, part 2 asks for the cause of teenage drug abuse, part 3 asks for the bad impacts brought by drug abuse and part 4 asks for the effectiveness of some preventive methods in preventing teenage drug abuse. 3.2 Interview The data collection process also includes an interview with a teenage social worker who had worked as a teenage social worker for 6 years. During the interview, a series of questions about teenage drug abuse were being askedà in order to collect data for the research. For example, in your point of view, what are the main causes that drive teenagers to abuse drugs? 3.3 Limitations There are some questions in the questionnaire are used to decide the effectiveness of some preventive measures towards teenage drug abuse. Therefore, it is a bit difficult for the respondents may found that it is difficult to answer these questions the questions. However, it is necessary to determine the effectiveness of these preventive measures so as to conclude some effective preventive measures in preventing teenage drug abuse. Also, there were only 43 respondents to answer the questionnaire so the data collected may not able to represents the general condition of teenage drug abuse in Hong Kong. Moreover, the main cause of teenage drug abuse and the bad effects of teenage drugs could be 5 finding out in the questionnaire. 4. Literature Review The problem of drug abuse of Hong Kong teenagers became a very hot topic among the society. There are also some figures shows that there are increasing trend of Hong Kong teenagers abuse drugs and there are many surveys show that teenage drug abuse would caused many bad effects towards their growth and development. I would give a brief analysis based on the following articles. The article ââ¬Å"Teen drug use in Hong Kongâ⬠shows that there is an increasing number of teenage drug abuser in Hong Kong. At the same time, the age of drug abusers become much younger than the previous years. The statistic shows that there were 8,916 drug users reported in the first six months of 2009, 1.7% more than the same period last year. The number of drug users under 21 years old rose from 2,106 to 2,175.Most importantly, the drug users aged 12 to 15, the number of which has grown 25% from 204 to 256. This shows that there is an urgent need to take action to stop and prevent teenagers in Hong Kong to abuse drugs. On the other hand, the article ââ¬Å"Problems arising from drug abuseâ⬠by Valerie Belew studied the problems caused by drug abuse. It studied is not just focus on the problem s caused by drug abuse towards teenagers but it studied the problems as aà whole. The problems caused by drug abuse would also happen in adult. It pointed out the seriousness of drug abuse towards once personal development. The articles divided the problems arise from drug abuse into 5 aspects, addiction as Brain dysfunction, developmental problems, physical disease, family problems and financial problems. The article is useful I providing a detailed information about the bad effects caused by drug abuse. Although the problems caused by drug abuse discussed in the article are not addressed to teenagers, the information can also be applied to the negative impacts of teenage drug abuse towards their personal development. 6 5. Findings and Analysis 5.1 General information of the questionnaire I posted the questionnaire in the website ( on 12/4/2010. There are totally 43 respondents answered the questions. 5.2 Definition of drug abuse Definition provided by respondents Misuse of prescription or over-the-counter drugs No of respondents 3 5 A maladaptive pattern of use of a substance that is not considered dependent Intake of illegal drugs Over intake of certain drugs which lead to addiction 10 25 Table 1 According to table 1, different respondents have different opinion onto the definition of drug abuse. These definitions given by respondents are correct. This shows that most of the Hong Kong teenagers have a brief understanding towards the meaning of drug abuse. However, their concept of drug abuse is not clear enough. The most comprehensive definition of drug abuse is a 2compulsive, excessive, and self-damaging use of habit forming drugs or substances, leading to addiction or dependence, seriousà physiological injury (such as damage to kidneys, liver, heart) and or psychological harm (such as dysfunctional behavior patterns, hallucinations, memory loss), or death. It also called substance abuse. Therefore, the definitions given by the respondents are very similar the most comprehensive definitions. This shows that teenagers understand the meaning of drug 2 Drug abuse 7 abuse. 5.3 The universality of the problem of teenage drug abuse in Hong Kong Do you think the problem of teenage drug abuse is common in Hong Kong? 16% Yes No 84% Chart 1 From the above data, 16 % (7/43))of respondents think that the problem of teenage drug abuse is common in Hong Kong while there are 84% (36/43) of respondents believe that the problem of teenage drug abuse is common in Hong Kong. It shows that most of the respondents think the problem of teenage drug abuse is common in Hong Kong. 8 5.4 Reasons that cause teenage drug abuse What cause teenagers to take drugs? (Can choose more than one blanks) 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 34 27 20 12 6 5 Peer influence Seeking for excitement Escaping from the sadness Imitating the manner of parents Underestimate the bad effects of drugs Others Chart 2 5.4.1 Peer influence According to Chart 2, the main reasons that cause the respondents to abuse drugs is ââ¬Å"Peer influence â⬠, where 36 respondents had chosen this item. Peer is a very influential group among teenagers. 3As teenagers usually spend a large amount of times with their peers so peers will play a very influential role in teenagersââ¬â¢ live. The credibility, authority, power, and influence of peers are greater during adolescence than at any other time in life. Therefore, teenagers will seek for acceptance and belonging to their peer groups. In this way, teenagers are more likely to abuse drugs if their peers had abuse drugs so as to gain peer recognition. Also, teenagers would feel it is difficult to refuse the requests by their peers. As they worried they would be isolated by their peers if they refused their requests so they would usually take the requests 3 Peer Influence ââ¬â Development Of Peer Influence, Negative Peer Influence, Positive Peer Influence, Family Relationships And Peer Influence ââ¬â JRankà Articles 9 f their peers. Even though they know that abusing drugs is bad for their health, they would still follow their peers to abuse drugs. Teenagers would feel more save if they follow the manners of their peers. Therefore, they would follow the manners of their peers like abusing drugs if their peers ask them to do so. 5.4.2 Seeking for excitement Seeking for excitement is also a very important reason that cause teenagers abuse drugs. There are 27 respondents think that ââ¬Å"seeking for excitementâ⬠is the main reasons that cause teenage drug abuse. In fact, seeking for excitement is a very common characteristic among teenagers. As teenagers usually focus on studies in their age and they may feel bored of studying. Thus they would like to seek for some excitement in order to make their live more ââ¬Å"interestingâ⬠. Some kind of drugs may cause some side effects like a sense of excitement after in taking them. Therefore, some teenagers would like to take these drugs in order to gain a sense of excitement. 5.4.3 Escaping from sadness According to chart2, there are 20 respondents think that ââ¬Å"escaping from sadnessâ⬠is an important reason that cause teenagers abuse drugs. Teenagers are not mature enough in their age so they easily develop an idea of escaping from the reality when they faced difficulties. People may have hallucination or they may lose their senses after they took drugs. Therefore, some teenagers would like to take drugs so as to forget their sadness and enjoy the hyper feeling brought by taking drugs. Thus, these teenagers abuse drugs in order to escape from their sadness in reality. 5.4.4 Others All of the respondents chosen others believe that the main reason that causes drug abuse is curiosity. Teenagers usually feel very curious about different things that they have not tried before. At the same time, many adults emphasis that drug abuse would cause great harm towards their personal 10 development. Hence, teenagers would be more curious about drug abuse so they would try to abuse drugs due to curiosity. 5.5 Bad effects brought by abusing drugs Do you think drug abuse will bring any negative impacts towards the society? 0% Yes No 100% Chart 3 Are the following the negative impacts of drug abuse? 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 17 10 17 10 25 20 14 17 39 11 Chart 4 According to Chart 3, all of the 43 respondents believe that drug abuse will bring some negative effects towards the society. Drug abuse would cause great damage towards health of the drug addicts. Thus, these drug addicts may not able to continue with their work or affect their performance in working after they abuse drugs. This will defiantly reduce the productivity of Hong Kong. Furthermore, drug abuse will cause great damage towards the health of drug addicts. Then, they need to visit the doctors frequently to receive medical treatment. This would place a heavy burden of medical services in Hong Kong. It will also increase the medical expenditure which may reduce the expenditure spend o other development. Therefore, it will slow down economic development. On the other hand, drug addicts are not able to control themselves due to the side effects of drugs. Thus, they may perform some dangerous behavior after they take drugs like crossing the road without considering the condition of pavement. This will increase the risk of accidents. It is also very dangerous if these drug addicts to drive cars after abusing drugs. This could also increase the risk of car accidents which place a serious threat towards the security system of Hong Kong. Therefore, drug abuse would definitely ring lots of negative impacts towards the society. On the other hand, according to chart 4, 39 respondents think that drug abuse would lead to addiction. Drug addiction is a dependence on illegal drugs or medications. Once people had tried taking drugs, they could hardly resist the temptation of taking drugs again and again. 4Actually, drug addiction is a chronic, often relapsing brain disease that causes compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful 4 Understanding of drug abuse and drug addiction 12 consequences to the addicted individual and to those around him or her. Although the initial decision to take drugs is voluntary for most people, the brain changes that occur over time challenge a personââ¬â¢s self control and ability to resist intense impulses urging them to take drugs. Once they stop in taking drugs, the side effects of taking these drugs like irritability and disorientation would appear more frequently which would cause great pain onto the drug addicts. If teenage drug addicts become addict onto drugs, this would not just cause damage to their health. As these teenage drug addicts also has to frequently in take drugs if they addicted onto drugs. Moreover, the cost of drugs is really expansive so it will place a very heavy economic burden towards these teenage drug addicts. Also, if they are addicted into drugs, they will put their full attention onto drugs. Then they would not able to concentrate onto their studies when they addictedà onto drugs. Therefore, addiction onto drugs would badly affect the personal growth and development. Furthermore, there are 25 of respondents think that drug abuse would cause waning of memory. People would hardly remember things. They would be very forgetful. Drug addicts who suffered from this side effects caused by abusing drugs could never be recovered. It is because the reason that people become forgetful after abusing drugs is due to the damage of some tissues and cell in the brain. The drugs that in took by drug addicts would damage their brain cells or tissues which cause the loss of memory. Therefore, people could hardly remember things in this situation. This would greatly affect the daily activities of the drug addicts. They could hardly finish their work when they suffered from this side effect. If teenagers in take these drugs and develop this side effects, this would badly affect their studies. The worst case is that these teenage drug addicts could not continue with their studies. Therefore, waning of memory is a long term effects onto the drug addicts which are not able to recover forever. Thus, this would also cause serious bad effects onto their future career. Therefore, waning of memory is really a serious negative effect of drug abuse which would badly affect the personal growth and development of teenagers. 13 In addition, there is 20 respondents chose ââ¬Å"depressionâ⬠as one of the bad effects of drug abuse. Actually, certain drugs may contribute to the etiology of depressive symptoms and depressive disorders. Drug addicts would easily feel depressed after they took these drugs. Also, when the hyper feeling brought by the drugs passed, drug addicts would feel much depressed. It is because they need to be back to the reality which may have many difficulties. The drug addicts may cause depression in when they were back to the cruel reality. If teenage drug addicts frequently feel depressed, they may easily choose other ways to help them to solve this problem which is suicide. As teenagers is not mature enough in handling depression, so they would easily come up the idea of suicide in order to help them to escape from sadness. Therefore, depression would cause serious bad effects onto the personal growth and development of teenagers. 5.6 Methods of prevention of teenage drug abuse Do you know what the School-Based mandatory drug testing scheme about? 2% Yes No 98% Chart 5 14 Do you think the scheme can decrease the number of teenagers take drugs? 33% Yes No 67% Chart 6 5.6.1 Universality of the mandatory drug testing scheme According to chart 5, 98% (42/43) respondents know about the mandatory drug testing scheme. The mandatory drug testing scheme is a trial scheme organized by the government which aim at 5 enhancing the resolve of students who have not taken any drugs to continue to stay away from drugs. Also, for students abusing drugs, the scheme can trigger their motivation to seek help and provide appropriate professional support to help them kick the habit early. After introducing this scheme to public, it aroused great public concern about the privacy of students. Although all the results of the scheme would not be publican, many people still believed that this scheme would interfere the privacy of students. The variety of opinions given by different interest groups enable the scheme became a veryà controversial issue in Hong Kong. Hence, more and more Hong Kong citizens would pay attention to the scheme and learn more about this mandatory drug testing scheme. Therefore, there will have such a large proportion of respondentsââ¬â¢ show that they know about this scheme. 5 Details of Trial Scheme on School Drug Testing in Tai Po District announced 15 5.6.2 Effectiveness of the mandatory drug testing scheme On the other hand, according to chart 6, there are about 67% (28/43) of respondents believe that this mandatory drug testing scheme can effectively decrease the number of teenage drug addicts in Hong Kong. As this scheme is mainly carried out in schools so it can successfully find out teenage drug addicts in school and provide suitable medical treatment in order to help them to stop abusing drugs. Therefore, this scheme can successfully help in decreasing the number of teenage drug addicts in Hong Kong. However, there are 33% (14/42) of respondents believe this scheme is not effective in decreasing the number of teenage drug addicts in Hong Kong. It is because this scheme is a voluntary drug testing scheme. Thus, teenage drug addicts can refuse to join this scheme so this scheme is quite difficult to find out these teenage drug addicts in school. Therefore, these respondents believe that this mandatory drug testing scheme is not effective in decreasing he number of teenage drug addicts in Hong Kong. Moreover, according to the data collected, people still carry a positive attitude towards this mandatory drug testing scheme. 5.6.3 Promotion by the government Do you know about any promotion on preventive measure of drug abuse done by the government? 16% Yes No 84% 16 Chart 7 According to chart 7, 84% (36/43) of respondents acquired some promotions on preventing drug abusing done by the government. In recent years, there are more and more surveys show that there is an increasing trend of teenage drug abuse. This arouses public attention. Therefore, the government put more efforts in promoting the preventive measures of teenage drug abuse. For example, government inserts many television commercial and different kinds of advertisement for promoting the preventive measures. Therefore, people can easily acquire these promotions on preventing drug abusing. This can help to gain public awareness onto the prevention of drug abuse which is a very effective ways in preventing teenage drug abuse. However, there are 16% (7/43) of respondents did not acquire any promotions on preventive measures of drug abuse done by the government. This shows that the promotion done by the government in preventing drug abuse is not enough. Therefore, the government has to pay more efforts in promoting the preventive measures of drug abuse so as to prevent teenagers from abusing drugs. 5.6.4 Effectiveness of some preventive measures in preventing teenage drug abuse Government do more promotion on the bad effects of drug abusing 2% 12% 21% Very Effective Effective Not Effective Poor 65% Chart 8 17 According to chart 8, there are 86% (37/43) of respondents think that government do more promotion on the bad effects of drug abuse is an effective ways in preventing teenage drug abuse. Some of the teenagers may underestimate the bad effects brought by drug abuse. If they could understand the seriousness consequences of drug abuse, this may help to prevent them from trying drugs. Therefore, it is a very effective way in preventing teenagers from abusing drugs. Parents cooperate with schools to keep an eye on the manner of teenagers 0% 14% 14% Very Effective Effective Not Effective Poor 72% Chart 9 According to chart 9, there are 86% (37/43) of respondents thinks that the most effective way in preventing teenage drug abuse is the cooperation between parents and schools to keep an eye on the manner of teenagers. As the symptomsââ¬â¢ caused by drug abuse are very obvious. Therefore, if parents and the schools can keep an eye on their manner, it can easily find out the teenage drug abusers. Hence, parents could try to find some treatment in order to help their children get rid of drugs. Therefore, it is also an effective way in preventing teenage drug abuse. 18 Parents communicate more with their children 0% 21% 12% Very Effective Effective Not Effective Poor 67% Chart 10 According to chart 10, there are 79 %( 34/43) of respondents thinks that more communications between parents and children is an effective way in preventing teenage drug abuse. Parents are a very influential group in the life of teenagers. Although children may sometimes show rebellion to their parents, they usually tend to listen to the advice given by their parents. Parents could find out whether their children had taken drugs through rapid communications between parents and children. It is easier for the teenage drug addicts to get rid of drugs when they receive medical treatment as early as possible. They can also stop their children from abusing drugs once they found out that they had tried drugs before. Therefore, it is also an effective way in preventing teenage drug abuse. 5.6.1 Conclusion Among 10 preventive ways given in the questionnaire, most of the respondents believe that ââ¬Å"Parents communicate more with their childrenâ⬠, ââ¬Å"Parents cooperate with schools to keep an eye on the manner of teenagersâ⬠and ââ¬Å"Government do more promotion on the bad effects of drug abusingâ⬠are the best ways in preventing teenage drug abuse. 19 5.7 Sources of information about drugs Where is your major source of information about drugs come from? 5% 19% Promotion by the government (e.g.: advertisement, leaflets) Books Newspaper 35% 9% Talks Internet Others 23% 9% Chart 11 According to chart11, there are 35% (15/43) of respondents obtain information about drugs through internet while there are 23% (10/43) of respondents obtain information about drugs through newspaper. Also, there are 19% (8/43) of respondents obtain information about drugs through promotions by government. This shows that the Hong Kong has pay great attention onto the problem of teenage drug abuse which can provide a good environment in preventing teenage drug abuse. 5.8 Interview I had done an interview with Miss.Fung, a teenage social worker who has handled numerous of cases about teenage drug abuse. She gave a detailed distribution about the cause and bad effects of teenage drug abuse which is very similar to the data collected through questionnaire. However, she gave a great suggestion in preventing teenage drug abuse. She suggested that the government should turn the voluntary drug testing scheme into a compulsory drug testing scheme. She believed this would be a very effective way in preventing teenage drug abuse. 20 6. Conclusion From the research, we found that most of the people think that the problem of teenage drug abuse is very common in Hong Kong. Therefore, the problem of teenage drug abuse is quite serious in Hong Kong that we should pay attention on it and try to take actions to stop this problem from becoming more serious in the future. The main reasons that drive teenage abusing drugs are peer influence, seeking for excitement and escaping from sadness. Between all these reasons, peer influence is a major cause of teenage drug abuse as they do not want to refuse the requests of their friends in order to gain recognition. Therefore, we need to consider some preventive measures of teenage drug abuse that could address to this main cause. There are many bad effects that are caused by teenage drug abuse. The most common bad effects are addition, waning of memory and depression. All these bad effects would have great impact towards the teenage drug addicts which may badly affect their personal growth and development. We also found that more communications between parents and children, cooperation between parents and school in order to keep an eye on the manner of teenagers, more government promotions about the bad effects of drug abuse can help in preventing teenage drug abuse. Also, imposing a compulsory drug testing scheme in order to find out teenage drug addicts in Hong Kong is also an effective way in preventing teenage drug abuse. 21 7. Reflective After finishing the whole projects, I found that I have learned many things through doing this project. I have a more clear understanding towards teenage drug abuse in this moment. Although it is very great that I could learn so many things in this project, this project is a very difficult task for me as I need to finish it by myself. The level of difficulty is three time that of finishing a group work project. In the beginning, I chose teenage drug abuse as my enquiry theme because I think this topic is really easy. I can easily find many sources about teenage drugs abuse. Hence, I can finish my project as soon as possible. However, I am totally wrong. There are many difficulties I faced during the project. I found it difficult to identify the useful information about teenage drug abuse from a long passage of article. It took a long time to read through the sources and extract useful information from them. The techniques taught by teacher in choosing articles helped me to save up the time for reading useless articles. Besides, most of the information about teenage drug abuse is secondary source. Therefore, I have to find some primary sources so as to enable my project to be a more comprehensive project. Then, I chose to do interviews with social workers in order to obtain primary sources. This is another difficult task that I have to tackle with during the project. I found it difficult to look for social workers that are willing to do interview with me. After making several times of invitations, I successfully find a social worker to help me in doing the interview. Although I can only do the interview through phones, this interview helps me greatly in doing this project. As a whole, I think it is a very valuable experience in finishing such a big project by myself. Besides the knowledge I obtained from the project, I also learn some ways in tackling difficulties which are very important that I could never learn them through books. I believe these problem 22 tacking skills would be very useful even I am in the university. (Word Count: 4558) 23 8. Bibliography Type of materials Newspaper Books/ Articles/ Reports 2.é âÃ¥ °âÃ¥ ¹ ´Ã¦ ¿ «Ã¨â" ¥ Ã¥ ¯Ã¦â¬ ¥Ã¦â¬ §Ã¤ ¸ æ ¯âæ » æ ±Ã¦â" ¹Ã¦â" ¥Ã¥ ± 1.Dennis Erng and Advian (Author) (October 18, 2010) South China morning Post (A1) é ¦â¢ æ ¸ ¯ Ã¥ ¤ § Ã¥ ¸ æ Ž Ã¥ËⰠè ª é⠫ Ã¥ ¸ é⢠¢ Ã¥â¦â ç « ¥ Ã¥ Šé â Ã¥ °â Ã¥ ¹ ´ ç §â Ã¥ ¸ ç ³ » è⡠¨ Ã¥ ºÅ åⰠ¯ æâ¢â¢ Ã¦Å½Ë (auth or) (September 5,2010) 3.æ ¡ Ã¥Å"â é ©â" æ ¯â è ¨Ë ç⢠« æ⠬ æ⠴ è⡠³ å⦠¨ æ ¸ ¯ ä » » ç §â¬ ç ¾ ¤ ,Ã¥ ¼ µ ä ¸â¬ è ¯ (author) 2010 Ã¥ ¹ ´ 9 æÅ"Ë 30 æâ" ¥ æËŸ Ã¥ ³ ¶ æâ" ¥ Ã¥ ± 4.æâ" °Ã¨ËËè ¿ ·Ã¥ ¹ »Ã¦ ¯âÃ¥â ç⠡ç ® ¡Ã¥Ë ¶ æ ±Ã¦â" ¹Ã¦â" ¥Ã¥ ± 5.æ ¿ «Ã¨â" ¥Ã© âÃ¥ °âÃ¥ ¹ ´Ã¥â¦ «Ã¦Ë è ¨Ëæ⠶å â"æ 2011-01-18 æËŸ Ã¥ ³ ¶ æâ" ¥ Ã¥ ± 6.é âÃ¥ ¹ ´Ã¦ ¿ «Ã¨â" ¥Ã¥â¬â¹Ã¦ ¡Ëæ⬠¥Ã¥ ¢Å¾Ã¤ ¸â°Ã¦Ë (æËŸå ³ ¶)2010 Ã¥ ¹ ´ 12 æÅ"Ë 26 æâ" ¥ æËŸæÅ"Ÿæâ" ¥ è ¨Ëèâ¬â¦Ã¯ ¼Å¡Ã¥ ¼ µÃ¤ ¸â¬Ã¨ ¯ Teen Drug Use Increasing in Hong Kong September 8, 2009 ç⺠¸Ã© â¡=å⠷çâ¢ââââ¬Ã¢ââ¬Ã¦Ëâæ ¯âæ ·Ã§ ¨â¹Ã§âŸå⠽æâ¢â¦Ã¤ ºâ¹Ã©âºâ é⢠³Ã¥Å"â¹Ã¦ º ªÃ£â¬ é º ¥Ã¥ ® ¶Ã¨ ¼ ç · ¨Ã¨ââ" Problems arising from drug abuse æËâæ ¯âÃ¥ ¦âä ½â¢Ã¤ ¸â¬Ã¤ ¸â"æâ" ·Ã¥ ° ¾ Websites: æ Žå ° ç Šå ¤ ©Ã© âæ⺠¸Ã¦ ¨âå⡠ºÃ§â°Ë æËŸå ³ ¶Ã¦â" ¥Ã¥ ± æŽ ¢ Ã¥ °â çâ¡Ë Ã¥ ° ç µâ (auth or) (October 7,2010) by Valerie Belew, eHow Contributor ICE Case Studies Video: Cheng-China Huang (July 1997) ve&page=1&item=100 24 9. Appendix Questionnaire I am a F.5 student of St. Francisââ¬â¢ Canossian College. I am doing a survey about teenage drug abuse in Hong Kong. Please fill in the questionnaire below. The information will be used for academic purposes only. Please put a tick in the chosen boxes. 1. Age: ââ" ¡ 12-18 ââ" ¡ 19-22 ââ" ¡ 23or above 2. Have you ever abuse drugs before? Yes ââ" ¡ No 3. What is meant by drug abuse? 4. Do you think the problem of teenage drug abuse is common in Hong Kong? ââ" ¡ Yes ââ" ¡ No 5. What cause teenagers to take drugs? (Can choose more than one blanks) ââ" ¡ Peer influence ââ" ¡ Seeking for excitement ââ" ¡ ââ" ¡ ââ" ¡ ââ" ¡ Escaping from the sadness Imitating the manner of parents Underestimate the bad effects of drugs Others: (please specify) 6. Do you think drug abuse will bring any negative impacts towards the society? ââ" ¡ Yes ââ" ¡ No 7. Are the following the negative impacts of drug abuse? ( can choose more than one blanks) ââ" ¡ Addiction (Ã¦Ë Ã§â¢ ®) ââ" ¡ Respiratory depression(Ã¥ £âæŠâå⠼å ¸) ââ" ¡ Nausea (å⢠å ¿Æ') ââ" ¡ Loss of appetite (é £Å¸Ã¦â¦ ¾Ã¤ ¸ æÅ' ¯) ââ" ¡ Waning of memory (è ¨Ëæ⠶åŠâºÃ¨ ¡ °Ã©â¬â¬) ââ" ¡ Dehydration (è⠫æ ° ´) ââ" ¡ Depression (æŠâé ¬ ±) 25 ââ" ¡ Insomnia (Ã¥ ¤ ±Ã§Å" ) ââ" ¡ Dizziness (æšËçÅ" ©) 8. Do you know what the School-Based mandatory drug testing scheme about? ââ" ¡ Yes (please answer question 7) ââ" ¡ No (please move on answering question 8) 9. Do you think the scheme can decrease the number of teenagers take drugs? ââ" ¡ Yes ââ" ¡ No 10. Do you know about any promotion on preventive measures of drug abuse done by the government? ââ" ¡ Yes ââ" ¡ No 11. How effective are the following methods help preventing teenage drugs abuse? Circle the number. Very Effective Parents communicate more with their children Parents learn more about the symptom of drug abusing Parents cooperate with schools to keep an eye on the manner of teenagers Government do more promotion on the bad effects of drug abusing Government proposed a mandatory drug testing scheme Government send more social workers to talk with drug abuser Government build more drug rehabilitation centers (æËâæ ¯âä ¸ Ã¥ ¿Æ') School provide sources to teachers so as to let them know more about the symptoms of drug abusing Hold more talks to educate the teenagers at school 26 Effective 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Not Effective 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Poor 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 1 Teacher communicate more with students 4 3 2 1 12. Where did you get the information about drugs? (Can choose more than one blanks) ââ" ¡ Promotion by the government (e.g.: advertisement, leaflets) ââ" ¡ Books ââ" ¡ Newspaper ââ" ¡ Talks ââ" ¡ Internet ââ" ¡ Others: (please specify) This is the end of the questionnaire. Thank you for finishing the questionnaire. Charts: 1. Age: Age 0% 7% 12 to 18 19-22 23 or above 93% A-12-18 (40) B-18-22 (3) C-23or above (0) 27 2 Have you ever abuse drugs before? Have you ever abuse drugs before? 26% Yes No 74% A- Yes (11) B. No (32) 3. What is meant by drug abuse? Definition provided by respondents Misuse of prescription or over-the-counter drugs No of respondents 3 5 10 25 A maladaptive pattern of use of a substance that is not considered dependent Intake of illegal drugs Over intake of certain drugs which lead to addiction 4. Do you think the problem of teenage drug abuse is common in Hong Kong? Do you think the problem of teenage drug abuse is common in Hong Kong? 16% Yes No 84% A-Yes (36) B-No (7) 28 4.What cause teenagers to take drugs? (Can choose more than one blanks) What cause teenagers to take drugs? (Can choose more than one blanks) 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 34 27 20 12 6 5 Peer influence Seeking for excitement Escaping from the sadness Imitating the manner of parents Underestimate the bad effects of drugs Others A- Peer influence (34) B- Seeking for excitement (27) C- Escaping from the sadness (20) D- Imitating the manner of parents (6) E- Underestimate the bad effects of drugs (12) F- Others (5) No Selection (0) Select 1 item (10) Select 3 items (15) Select 5 items (1) Select 2 items (12) Select 4 items (5) Select 6 items (0) 5. Do you think drug abuse will bring any negative impacts towards the society? Do you think drug abuse will bring any negative impacts towards the society? 0% Yes No 100% A-Yes (43) B-No (0) 29 6. Are the following the negative impacts of drug abuse? Are the following the negative impacts of drug abuse? 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 39 25 17 10 17 10 20 14 17 No Selection (0) Select 1 item (3) Select 5 items (4) Select 9 items (3) 7. Do you know what the School-Based mandatory drug testing scheme about? Select 2 items (13) Select 6 items (5) Select 3 items (6) Select 7 items (3) Select 4 items (6) Select 8 items (0) Do you know what the School-Based mandatory drug testing scheme about? 2% Yes No 98% A- Yes (please answer question 7) (42) B- No (please move on answering question 8) (1) 30 8. Do you think the scheme can decrease the number of teenagers take drugs? Do you think the scheme can decrease the number of teenagers take drugs? 33% Yes No 67% A- Yes (28) B- No (14) 9. Do you know about any promotion on preventing drug abusing done by the government? Do you know about any promotion on preventive measures of drug abuse done by the government? 16% Yes No 84% A- Yes (36) No (7) 10. How effective are the following methods help preventing teenage drugs abuse? 31 Parents communicate more with their children 0% 12% 21% Very Effective Effective Not Effective Poor 67% A-Very Effective (5) B-Effective (29) C-Not Effective (9) D-Poor (0) Parents learn more about the symptom of drug abusing 0% 9% 30% Very Effective Effective Not Effective Poor 61% A-Very Effective (4) B-Effective (26) C-Not Effective (13) D-Poor (0) 32 Parents cooperate with schools to keep an eye on the manner of teenagers 0% 14% 14% Very Effective Effective Not Effective Poor 72% A- Very Effective (6) B- Effective (31) C- Not Effective (6) D- Poor (0) Government proposed a mandatory drug testing scheme 2% 7% 28% Very Effective Effective Not Effective Poor 63% A- Very Effective (3) B- Effective (27) C- Not Effective (12) D- Poor (1) 33 Government do more promotion on the bad effects of drug abusing 2% 12% 21% Very Effective Effective Not Effective Poor 65% A- Very Effective (9) B- Effective (28) C- Not Effective (5) D- Poor (1) Government send more social workers to talk with drug abuser 5% 7% 21% Very Effective Effective Not Effective Poor 67% A- Very Effective (3) B- Effective (29) C- Not Effective (9) D- Poor (2) 34 Government build more drug rehabilitation centers (æËâæ ¯âä ¸ Ã¥ ¿Æ') 5% 23% 16% Very Effective Effective Not Effective Poor 56% A- Very Effective (7) B- Effective (24) C- Not Effective (10) D- Poor (2) School provide sources to teachers so as to let them know more about the symptoms of drug abusing 2% 5% Very Effective 30% Effective Not Effective 63% Poor A- Very Effective (2) B- Effective (27) C- Not Effective (13) D- Poor (1) 35 Hold more talks to educate the teenagers at school 2% 9% Very Effective 28% 61% Effective Not Effective Poor Very Effective A(1) B- Effective (26) C- Not Effective (12) DPoor (4) Teacher communicate more with students 0% 9% Very Effective 42% Effective Not Effective 49% Poor A-Very Effective (4) B-Effective (21) C-Not Effective (18) D-Poor (0) 11. Where did you get the information about drugs? 36 Where is your major source of information about drugs come from? 5% 19% Promotion by the government (e.g.: advertisement, leaflets) Books Newspaper 35% 9% Talks Internet Others 23% 9% Promotion by the government (e.g.: advertisement, leaflets) Books (4) Newspaper (10) Talks (4) Internet (15) Others (2) Identities of respondents Submit Time Apr-12-2011 1:33 am Apr-12-2011 01:35 am Apr-12-2011 01:49 am Apr-12-2011 03:57 am Apr-12-2011 12:40 pm Apr-12-2011 12:49 pm Apr-12-2011 04:34 pm Apr-12-2011 05:02 pm Apr-12-2011 06:37 pm Apr-12-2011 06:45 pm Apr-12-2011 07:10 pm Apr-12-2011 07:37 pm Apr-12-2011 08:11 pm 37 (8) IP Address Host Name Apr-12-2011 08:25 pm Apr-12-2011 08:44 pm Apr-12-2011 08:47 pm Apr-12-2011 09:06 pm Apr-13-2011 10:46 pm Apr-14-2011 01:38 pm Apr-14-2011 07:24 pm Apr-14-2011 07:35 pm Apr-14-2011 07:54 pm Apr-14-2011 09:57 pm Apr-16-2011 05:51 pm Apr-16-2011 08:01 pm Apr-16-2011 11:59 pm Apr-17-2011 06:00 pm Apr-18-2011 08:49 pm Apr-18-2011 09:07 pm Apr-19-2011 01:13 am Apr-19-2011 03:22 pm Apr-22-2011 09:29 pm Apr-24-2011 02:29 pm Apr-26-2011 04:50 pm Apr-27-2011 06:48 pm Apr-28-2011 12:46 pm Apr-29-2011 03:27 pm Apr-29-2011 06:40 pm Apr-29-2011 11:00 pm Apr-30-2011 12:35 am Apr-30-2011 09:03 pm Apr-30-2011 09:20 pm May-01-2011 06:51 pm 38 Interview transcripts Date: 10th April, 2011 Time: 5:00p.m.-5:30p.m. Mode of interview: personal interview è ¨ ªÃ¥â¢ ç ¨ ¿ I:è ¨ ªÃ¥â¢ èâ¬â¦ K:é ¦ ®Ã¦ µ ·Ã¥â¦âç ¤ ¾Ã¥ · ¥ I:é ¦ ®Ã¥â¦ËçâŸ, ä ½ Ã¥ ¥ ½Ã£â¬âÃ¥ Ã¥Ëâ æâŸè ¬ ä ½ é ¡Ëæâ 抽ç © ºÃ¦Å½ ¥Ã¥ â"æËâçšâè ¨ ªÃ¥â¢ ãâ¬â K:ä ¸ ç⠨è ¬ ï ¼Å'æËâä º ¦Ã¥ Ã¥Ëâ æâŸè ¬ ä ½ çšâéââ¬Ã¨ «â¹Ã£â¬â I:Ã¥ ¥ ½Ã¤ ºâ ãâ¬âä ºâ¹Ã¤ ¸ ä ¸âè ¾ ï ¼Å'æËâÃ¥â¬âç «â¹Ã¥ ³Ã©â"â¹Ã¥ §â¹Ã©â¬ ²Ã¨ ¡Å'è ¨ ªÃ¥â¢ ãâ¬âæËâç⺠¸Ã¤ ¿ ¡Ã¤ ½ Ã¥ · ²Ã¦ ¸â¦Ã¦ ¥Å¡Ã¤ »Å æâ" ¥Ã¨ ¨ ªÃ¥â¢ çšâä ¸ »Ã© ¡Å'Ã¦Ë ¯Ã¦Å"â°Ã©â"Å"ä ½ çšâÃ¥ °Ëæ ¥ , é âÃ¥ °âÃ¥ ¹ ´Ã¥ ¸Ã¦ ¯âå⢠é ¡Å'ãâ¬âé ¦â"Ã¥â¦Ë, ä ½ è ª ç⠺é ¦â¢Ã¦ ¸ ¯Ã§Å¡âÃ¥ ¸Ã¦ ¯âå⢠é ¡Å'Ã¦Ë ¯Ã¥ ¦Ã¥Å¡ ´Ã©â¡ å⠢ï ¼Å¸ K: é ¦â¢Ã¦ ¸ ¯Ã§Å¡âÃ¥ ¸Ã¦ ¯âå⢠é ¡Å'Ã¥ ¯Ã¨ ¬âåš ´Ã©â¡ ä ºâ , Ã¥ ° ±Ã¦Ëâè ª è Ëçšâ Ã¥ ¸Ã¦ ¯âé âÃ¥ ¹ ´Ã¥ · ²Ã© Žç⢠¾Ã¤ ºâ , æ⺠´Ã¤ ¸ è ¦ è «â"å⦠¶Ã¤ »â"ç ¤ ¾Ã¥ · ¥Ã¦â°â¬Ã¨ ª è Ëçšâ ä ºâ ãâ¬â I:éâ¬â¢Ã¤ ¹Å¸Ã§ ®â"é â"åš ´Ã©â¡ çšâä ºâ ãâ¬âé⠣ä ½ è ª ç⠺å °Å½Ã¨â¡ ´Ã© âÃ¥ °âÃ¥ ¹ ´Ã¥ ¸Ã¦ ¯âçšâÃ¥Å½Å¸Ã¥âº Ã¦Ë ¯Ã¤ »â¬Ã© º ¼? 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